Several short movies were made from Jack Lance’s novella’s.

Use Your Head (0:03:50) is published as an E-pub (Dutch) only at this time, and you can watch the English spoken short movie on this page and on You Tube. It was made by Hemang and Suive from Jokaland Inspirations.

Tikken (0:30:00) is a Dutch spoken movie from 2007 from the (sold out) short story collection Nachtogen. The novella is only available on Dutch audio at the moment. The movie and audio are available as DVDpackage at the SHOP.

Late Delivery (0:08:00) is a story (from the (sold out) short Dutch story collection Nachtogen). Around midnight, a young woman stands before the frontdoor of Richard Hawthorne. She is from the queer courier company Late Delivery and demands a ‘delivery’. The story was published in the (sold out) book ‘Scherprechter’ and the anthology ‘Horrorarium’.

Red Pumps (0:26:00) is a new story (available at the SHOP.) About Sophie and a pair of red pumps…
Here are some pictures from the making of Red Pumps

Watch Use your Head

This is a short story about a women who found out her husband had an affaire.
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Here are some pictures from the making of Use your Head.

Watch Tikken

This story is about Charles. Good fortune has always accompanied Charles. He has success, a lovely wife and lovely children. Rick, on the other hand, is struggling to make ends meet and seems cursed with bad luck. But then Charles reveals the secret of his perpetual luck: it’s his watch – the timepiece is somehow blessed with magic and is giving Charles (very literally) a good time. If that is the case, Rick will do anything to have it. He soon comes to regret this, when some terrible evil is unleashed.


Cast & Crew

Jack Lance and director Robin Peeters wrote the script for the movie. A complete list of the cast and crew, a day on the set, Tikken in the Theater and photo’s of the Theaterpremière can be found on the (Dutch) Jack Lance Community website.

Director Robin Peeters

Robin is a filmmaker, director and scriptwriter from Limburg (The Netherlands). He established Mosasaurusfilm in 1993. He is specialized in the production of movies, documentaries and tv-shows.  There is an extensive interview with Robin on the (Dutch) Jack Lance Community website. Read More

Charles Jochem ten Haaf

He is an actor who played in several Theo van Gogh and Peter Greenaway movies and got famous by playing Vincent van Gogh in the British theater production Vincent in Brixton.
In 2003 he got the role of Willem of Orange in the British miniseries Charles II Power & Passion. He was ambassador for Vincent van Gogh, who he represented in ‘De grootste Nederlander’ tv-show in 2005. A year later he played the main role of Taeke in the movie ‘De Sportman van de Eeuw’. Read More

Rick Ron Roumen

Ron acted in several movie productions by Mosasaurusfilm, and was seen in the production by KRO-ZDF television of ‘De Legende van de Bokkenrijders (by Karst van der Meulen), based on the books of Ton van Reen. He also played beside Fedja van Huêt in the movie ‘Nadine’ (by Erik de Bruyn) and also next to Hugo Metsers in ‘Deal’ (by John de Haas), that were in Theaters in 2007 and 2008. Besides acting, Roumen’s bureau Metron Theaterproducties also takes care of the casting of programs like Neijenhuis & DeLevita Film & Televisie (NL FILM) and Mosasaurusfilm, including the soap ‘De Hemelpaort’, short movie ‘Blikken Speelgoed’ (Robin Peeters), and for the comedy ‘Sjravelentaere’ (Robin Peeters). Metron Theaterproducties also manufacture youth theater shows, like the appealing to the imagination show ‘Prins Iemand’. Read More

Pastor Jack Lance
Jack had a cameo as pastor. You can read more about his adventure on the (Dutch) Jack Lance Community website.

